Xing yi chuan

  • The Shang lineage of Xingyi welcomes you/ We present to you the Shang lineage of Xingyi.

     Chinese martial arts are many and complex. The Xingyi style includes and transmits their quintessence, and is one of the most powerful modern chinese styles. It's a unique style, which encompasses ideology and thought, technique and tactics, meditation and self awareness training. 
    In the Shang lineage of the Xingyi style, founded by Shang Yunxiang, developed by Li Wenbin, and spread by Li Hong, one is devoted to the great masters of Xingyi and trains constantly, strengthening body and technique: that's how one joins the famous chinese martial art.  

  • Shang Xingyi blends the essence of chinese martial arts and Xingyi.

     Ce style a été transmis de son fondateur, Maître Shan Yunxiang, à son disciple Li Wenbin, qui a façonné sa théorie et donné des instructions pour la pratique, permettant à toute personne de s'entraîner dans cet art martial. Pratiquer les arts martiaux permet à quiconque, quel que soit son âge ou son sexe, d'obtenir des résultats. Ainsi n'importe qui peut entrer dans ce temple des arts martiaux chinois. En pratiquant le Shang Xingyi, avec un entraînement quotidienne, on remarquer une amélioration rapide de sa technique d'attaque et de défense. Cela développe la régulation de la force intérieure, de la philosophie dans sa vie quotidienne ; le Shang Xingyi a des effets bénéfiques qui touchent la vie d'une personne dans toutes les facettes: physique, professionnelle, mentale, familiale et réussite personnelle en général. Le Shang Xingyi est basé sur trois formes (三 体式) : les exercices debout, l'étape de Huaihong, le coup de poing composite de l'aigle. 
    Les trois formes sont réalisées en cinq lignes, traitant l'ensemble comme une forme unique, et l'arme ne faisant qu'un avec le corps (顾 打 一 式, 拳 械 一体). Le style prend son sens avec la forme et consolide la force avec la pratique. Les exercices s'intensifient chaque jour, et il est important de percevoir (sentir la sensation) d'abord et de postuler plus tard. En effet, en prenant l'ennemi par surprise, on le met dans l'état de «l'absence de forme et de sens»

  • A Generation of Masters

     The teachings of the previous generation of masters focused on martial morals.   
    Despite having defeated countless enemies, their actions and their fruit was filled with values in the defense of morals and love of the fatherland, there was a strenuous desire to become more valiant, and there was a fruitful exchange of opinions and ideas among peers, all for the defense of the fatherland. Thus, each martial art master of every school and epoch praises the strength and moral value of Shang Xingyi, its scientific method of study, the power it generates and the strength it gives to mind and body. The great encouragement coming from martial arts schools allows to realize the essence of Shang Xingyi, that is, the return to nature, the recall of true power, the benefits is gives to oneself, to people and to the whole world. Presently the second generation master of Shang Xingyi, Li Hong, is spreading this martial art both in China and abroad. During the years he has travelled everywhere, armed with good intentions and good will, sparing no effort, expecting no reward in either fame or money, with the only intent of spreading the true meaning of Shang Xingyi all over the world. His only wish is to transmit the inspiration (of Xingyi) that he learned during a life dedicated to chinese martial arts, and the devotion to the warrior masters, hoping that each person, and the whole world, can gain a benefit. Master Li Hong harbors a deep hope, of making complexity simple, of transmitting the love and duty of study, and he wishes to share all this with companions all over the world.   
    Master Li Hong sincerely respects the masters of Shang Xingyi, welcomes companions from all over the world with enthusiasm, and wants to share with them the essence of Shang Xingyi, to transmit its basis and take the first step in the glorious temple of chinese martial arts. Li Hong and Shang Xingyi welcome you!

    by Li Hong Xing yi quan

Li Hong Xing yi quan July 3, 2024

Sifu magazine

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Master Ye Mantang