
Chain between 50 cm and 1 meter long with a weight at each end.

Depending on the school, the chain shape and weight are different

NorNormally (depending on the school) you hide it under your clothes. The attack uses centrifugal force and has three basic techniques, short range, long range and choke with weights, and there are throwing techniques. It is mainly used for self-defense, and the purpose is to trap the enemy's sword, throw a weight at the foot. In addition, it was also used as a socket, de lancer. Il est principalement utilisé pour l'autodéfense, et le but est de piéger l'épée de l'ennemi, de lancer un poids au pied. En outre, il a également été utilisé comme prise.

Sifu Mag July 3, 2024

Sifu magazine

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