
Developed in the 16th century, a weapon that allowed to hit without risk of losing life, was developed with bambopu, called Chikuto ("chiku", bamboo, and "to" saber) Then by the suitye shinai (flexible). Originating from a part of bamboo, the Shinai consists of four flat blades (cut and shaped) to form a long stick.   

Weight = adult woman = 420 gr minimum; Adult man = 500 gr minimum The handle (tsuka) and its end are covered with skin (tsukagashira). The last tier of the shinai (datotsubu) is the part of striking and sting, which is finished by leather (kensen).
The blades are attached by a leather lace (nakayui) which prevents the bamboo blades from moving away. The cord (tsuru) represents the back of the saber (not sharp)  


Sifu Mag November 1, 2023

Sifu magazine

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